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4530 South Decatur Street Englewood, CO 80110
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Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon Monoxide Detector

An important line of defense for the ones you love against a threat that is colorless, odorless, and tasteless in the air.

Not too long ago, carbon monoxide detectors were only for people who had sophisticated alarm systems in their homes. Today most every family is aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and have at least one CO detector in their home. The smartest families have CO detectors installed on every level of their home, including one next to their heating equipment. This is the safest way to protect your family from deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms in Single-Family Dwellings Are Now Required to Protect You. ( Colorado Statute 38-45-102 )
Not withstanding any other provision of law, every single family dwelling that includes either fuel-fired appliances or an attached garage where, on or after July 1st, 2009, interior alterations, repairs, fuel-fire appliance replacements, or additions, any of which require a building permit, occurs, or where one or more rooms lawfully used for sleeping purposes are added shall have an operational carbon-monoxide alarm within 15 feet of the entrance to each room used for sleeping purposes or in a locations as specified in any building code adopted by the state or local government. The alarm must produce a distinct, audible alarm, and
  • must be listed be a nationally recognized independent product-safety testing and certification laboratory and
  • may be battery powered, or
  • may plug into a dwelling's electrical outlet and have a battery back-up, or
  • connected to an electrical system via an electrical panel.
  • may be combined with a smoke detecting device if the combined device complies with applicable laws that the combined unit produces an alarm, or an alarm, and voice signal in a manner that clearly differentiates between the two types of hazard.
  • Image of carbon dioxide detector.Ask us for an estimate to provide installed Carbon Monoxide detectors, or purchase them and install them yourself from a "Big Box Store" or Walmart.
    See what makes Front Range Mechanical Services your number one choice for Furnace repair in Centennial CO.
    4530 South Decatur Street Englewood, CO, 80110

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